Advantages and disadvantages of receiving one-on-one treatment from a freelance hairdresser.

There are many different types of hair salons in the world, and Taka thinks it has become very difficult to know the characteristics of each beauty salon.

The following is a summary of the advantages and disadvantages when customers receive one-on-one treatment from a freelance hairdresser compared to various hair salons.

This time, Taka compared it to a typical large hair salon (with a large number of staff and assistants).

Advantage①: Treatment can be performed while meeting the customer’s specific requests

This is the biggest benefit of one-on-one customer service.

They can meet your needs in detail, such as your preferred hairstyle, shampooing method, drinks, conversation, customer service, etc.

On your second and subsequent visits, you won’t have to tell the hairdresser your wishes each time, so the treatment time may be shorter.

Advantage②: Each customer is treated one at a time, work is not sloppy.

In large hair salons with many assistants, shampooing and other treatments are divided among the staff, which can result in a flow of work.

One-on-one treatment allows customers to feel at ease and stress-free.

Advantage③: Always have high-quality equipment and drugs available

The larger the organization, the longer it takes to change things.

Freelance hairdressers are very agile, so they can quickly adopt the latest equipment and drugs.

Advantage④: Hairdressers have a strong desire to improve

Many freelance hairdressers work independently as sole proprietors or corporations, pursue their dreams, and are particular about the way they work.

Of course the techniques. Most hairdressers also strive to improve their humanity.

Disadvantage ①: It may take a long time because the work is done by only one hairdresser.

In particular, when applying color or straightening chemicals or getting a perm, it sometimes takes a little bit of time because there are no two hairdressers and assistants working together.

Disadvantage ②: Sometimes difficult to make reservations.

The number of reservations that can be made is limited to 3 to 4 customers per day, so you may not be able to make a reservation for your desired date and time.


Taka has summarized the differences when a customer receives one-on-one treatment from a freelance hairdresser compared to a large hair salon with an assistant.


①Treatment can be performed while meeting the customer’s specific requests

②Each customer is treated one at a time, work is not sloppy.

③Always have high-quality equipment and drugs available

④Hairdressers have a strong desire to improve


①It may take a long time because the work is done by only one hairdresser.

②Sometimes difficult to make reservations.

There are many hair salons in Japan and the world, so there are many different types of hairstylsts.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

TAKA is a freelance hair stylist who does completely one-on-one treatment.

He hopes that this will give you a chance to think about what kind of hair salon you would like to go to again.

Thank you for reading to the end.