Q. How many different sizes of perm rollers are available?

A. Taka has a total of 15 different sizes available. From hard perms such as twists and spirals to large Korean-style wave perms, we can accommodate all hairstyles, regardless of your generation or fashion.

The cylindrical tool used exclusively for perms is called a rods (rollers).

The smallest size is 6mm.

The largest size is 30mm.

Below is a summary of why Hairdresser Taka has 15 different types of rods.

①Taka can choose the size of the rod to suit all of the customer’s hair types.

②It can be adapted to any hairstyle.

③You can get a perm that minimizes damage to your scalp and hair without using strong perm agents.

Taka can choose the size of the rod to suit all of the customer’s hair types.

For example, if 10 people want the same hairstyle, it doesn’t mean Taka has to use the same rod size for all 10 people.

This is because the perm results will vary depending on the customer’s hair condition, age, hair thickness, and colored hair.

Even if you use the same size, the perm often doesn’t work at all, or the perm ends up being too strong.

He is prepared to provide the best results for any customer.

It can be adapted to any hairstyle.

Have you ever been looking for a hair salon to go to for the first time and had trouble knowing if they would do the perm you want?

It’s true that even when it comes to perms, some hair stylists have their own strengths and weaknesses in permed hair.

Taka is good at all types of permed hair, based on his experience working with customers of various races and nationalities in Omotesando (Tokyo) and London.

He has a hairstyle that each customer wants depending on their generation, nationality, and fashion, and he does his job every day to meet everyone’s requests.

You can get a perm that minimizes damage to your scalp and hair without using strong perm agents.

The shape of curly hair is determined by the balance between the agent used and the size of the rod.

To put it simply, it works by softening the hair, wrapping it around a cylindrical object, and physically changing the shape of the hair.

Hair damage caused by perms is mainly caused by chemicals.

Damage-reducing chemicals have less ability to soften hair, but by finely adjusting the size of the rod, Taka can create the desired hairstyle with minimal damage. 


Taka explained why he has 15 types of perm rods (hair curlers).

①Taka can choose the size of the hair rod to suit every customer’s hair type.

②It can be adapted to any hairstyle.

③You can get a perm that minimizes damage to your scalp and hair without using strong perm agents.

If you are tired of popular hairstyles, are curious about what hairstyles are trending in the world, or want a hairstyle that suits you, please feel free to contact Taka.

Taka has absolute confidence in my haircuts and perms.

Thank you so much for reading to the end.